Now you know us, we are pretty laid back and not prone to getting on our high horse!! With the a new increase of interest in fat burning body wraps we were really sure that they would leave as quickly as they arrived and like any other fad, people would eventually see them for what they are; but today we saw a post from one of these companies talking about how diet and exercise don’t work and that the only way to control those pesky fat making toxins was to use the wrap!
Now you know us, we are pretty laid back and not prone to getting on our high horse!! With the a new increase of interest in fat burning body wraps we were really sure that they would leave as quickly as they arrived and like any other fad, people would eventually see them for what they are; but today we saw a post from one of these companies talking about how diet and exercise don’t work and that the only way to control those pesky fat making toxins was to use the wrap!
To say this riled us up is an understatement, in fact as soon as we finish typing this blog, we’re going to borrow a ladder to get Paul back off the ceiling.
For the avoidance of doubt, these wraps do not burn fat, improve lean tissue or detoxify your body. There are some therapeutic, homeopathic benefits to the traditional wraps that you will get from many reputable beauticians but the fat burning one does not work. Some we have seen are claiming that the cream they put on works using lipolysis being absorbed into via the skin. There are a very few ways that lipolysis works, injection & laser treatment being two but none of them are absorption. Lipolysis is a very new replacement for liposuction and has only just been getting adopted by some plastic surgeons. Any form of lipolysis or liposuction is not a sustainable change; it fixes the end result but not the real issue.
The wraps will give you a very quick fix, it will tighten the area, mainly through dehydration and within 24-48hrs once you have rehydrated it will all be lost. What a waste of money!
Here is what the real professionals had to say:
Dr Stephen O’Rahilly, Director of the Metabolic Research Laboratories at Cambridge University and Professor Steven Bloom from Imperial College London.
“Firstly, shrinking violet body wraps won’t work. Lipolysis which is the breakdown of triglycerides and fat to its constituent free fatty acids and glycerol is a highly controlled and sophisticated biochemical process, and no amount of wrapping will induce this to occur in the fat cells.
Secondly, if it did work, it would actually be dangerous. The reason our bodies have all the fat cells was to make a relatively safe place to store excess energy and a place for much energy to be released during times when food is scarce. If we suddenly release a large amount of fat from our fat cells, it would have to go somewhere. We know this is very bad news because patients who, for genetic or other reasons can’t make adequate number of fat cells develop severe metabolic side effects including diabetes, pancreatitis, and cirrhosis of the liver all as a result of this toxic fat going somewhere where it shouldn’t be out of fat cells and into other tissues. So, not only is this idea nonsense, it’s potentially dangerous nonsense.”
If you have a problem with over eating or under exercising; that is the issue you need to address, the fat didn’t appear overnight, so it won’t leave overnight.
Making the change in your lifestyle is hard, but it is the only way you can take the fat out of and off of your body, feel healthy and maintain it!
Start now and by the time you should be finished your 6th wrap you will of already started to notice the difference in your shape and have saved yourself hundreds of pounds!