Our Revolutionary Life Changing 10 week programme


Only £149 to never diet again, sign up today and embark on that life-changing journey!

A true life changing transformation programme

Created by fully qualified fitness and nutrition experts, this programme has run for over 10 years and literally helped thousands of people change their lives.

Whether it be fat loss, nutritional habits, lifestyle changes, to become more active, to sleep better, to improve your fitness, to improve your physical health, to improve your mental health or to stand a better chance of living longer, this programme is for you. 

Never diet again, never be judged on the scales, never count a point, check or syn again in your life! 

With an average fat loss result of 25lbs, this 10 week life and body transformation programme blows your every day diet club and gym class out of the water.  There are no fads, the system works on a social, sustainable and straight forward approach, 10 weeks of regular exercise & structured nutrition whilst creating new healthy habits will ensure you never need to diet again!  We will motivate you every step of the way! 

What's Included

• Unlimited Access to All Burn It Classes
• Home workouts and challenges
• Weekly Healthy Eating Challenges
• Weekly Behavioural Change challenges
• Daily check-ins to keep you accountable and in control 
• Over 500 healthy recipes
• Access to a fitness professional at all times
• Closed Facebook group with fellow members
• Exclusive Revolution Classes
• Exclusive Walk & Talk Question & Answer sessions
• So Much more!

No fads. No pills. No points. No syns. No Shakes. No Quick Fix.

10 week life changing program

What the program entails

Before we exercise at all, we will meet as a like-minded group and discuss some goals, and how the programme works, answer any questions and allay any fears.

We will meet weekly for an exclusive Revolution member-only workout, just you and your fellow participants in a small group PT environment.  You will also have the option to submit a before and after video for us to see and hear the changes from you directly.  We will text you.  Email you.  Send a carrier pigeon if need be to keep you on track, motivated and encouraged throughout. Falling off the wagon is inevitable, it is our job to ensure this doesn’t derail you completely.  We will ensure you are kept accountable and engaged from start to finish. 

On our closed Facebook group, we will share recipes, motivation, ideas, and encouragement and arrange meet-ups for walks and workouts.  We will meet you weekly for walk-and-talk sessions, a great opportunity to offload any stress, chat about your struggles, and share wins and failures.  You will be given unlimited access to all Burn It Fitness sessions weekly including Burn It in the Park, Burn It Power Hour, Burn It HIIT & Run & Burn It Boxing. (We encourage  you to attend at least 2 classes per week.)

You will receive at-home exercise programmes and weekly exercise homework.  We will give you over 500 healthy recipes to eradicate those ‘ creatures of habit’ nutrition choices you keep making. 

What our clients say about the programme

“Just do it.  Stop pretending those diet clubs will work, they won’t.  They didn’t the last time.  Stop going to the gym, you failed at that as well and kept paying it.  This 10 week programme has literally saved my and my family’s life.  I am so much happier, active and have a new lease of life at the ripe old age of 45.  Burn It, just do it!”

“The secret to this programme apart from success is that for once in my life I combined nutrition and exercise using the one provider!”

“Weight watchers, Slimming World, Scottish Slimmers, Juice Plus, I’ve tried it all, it has never worked for me long term, The Burn It programme has worked and completely changed my life!  I am a different woman!”

“All the trainers are really motivated and encouraging to people of all fitness levels. I’ve found it a huge benefit, as normally I’m not the most motivated person when it comes to being active. The classes are very engaging and fun allowing you to work to your own pace. If you’re needing that extra push I would definitely recommend these guys!”

“Such a great way to get fit and stay fit! All of the team are very friendly and helpful and keep the classes interesting! Everyone that attends the classes are really friendly and encouraging as well, lots of chat and lots of happy faces! Having just completed the 10 week revolution i’m signed up as a member as I cant imagine stopping now!”

“Fantastic fitness classes run by fantastic trainers. The members at every session are a great bunch and the banter is first class. Joining the BurnIt family has changed my attitude towards health & fitness and could change yours too. If you want an extra challenge then sign up for The Revolution Programme, you won’t be disappointed. Go on, sign up to BurnIt and you won’t regret it.”

“In the past 10 weeks I’ve got healthier, fitter, slimmer. I now love exercising with a fab bunch of people. Everyone is so supportive and helps you along the way.”

“I am gutted to have waisted so many years or daft diet clubs and can’t believe I wasted so much money on paying to be weighed, ludicrous to look back on that.  I am happier than I have ever been in my adult life with my current health and fitness, and that’s thanks to Burn It Fitness!”

“This was an amazing transformation for me, I’ll never need to diet again! The support from the Burn It team is second to none!”

“I’ve loved every single aspect of this programme! It’s not only changed my life, it’s saved my life!”

“This programme has been transformational in many ways. I am fitter, healthier, slimmer than I was just 10 weeks ago and that’s a huge achievement!!! Previous diet attempts hadn’t worked for me and I needed something different. The Burn It team are awesome, so motivational and supportive and I thank you hugely. Training outside with a great bunch of people has been amazing and I will continue to attend and improve!”


Only £149 to never diet again, sign up today and embark on that life-changing journey!


We have 7 classes per week from you to choose from, we recommend minimum 2 per week.  Our Revolution exclusive sessions change location each week. 

Check out the Burn It Fitness app for the most up to date timetable. 


Is it for me?

The programme suits anyone who wants to change bad habits, eat better, sleep better, be more active and burn body fat.  It doesn’t matter how much fat you have to lose, how unfit you may be, this programme as with all of our fitness experiences, is jam packed with content and structure which will lend itself well to anyone looking to make a change.  

If you’ve failed on diets before, fed up starting over and want to improve your health, there isn’t a better programme in the UK. 


We run 1 Revolution programme per year, every August. 

The cut-off date to join a Revolution is always 1 week before, this will allow us enough time to arrange adequate time for your induction/welcome calls. 

A lot of the programme is run online, with all classes and fitness experiences being outdoors all across West Lothian.

Download our APP

Join hundreds of others and download or very own Mobile App! Jam packed with inspirational and motivational content, as well as membership options, online store and all things Burn It!