Message from the trainers: We remember when Jill first turned up to our office and said she had tried several boot camps in the area and ours was the last shot! to say she was sceptical was an understatement! Her journey has had its barriers, injuries have presented themselves but never stopped her!
That’s a thought provoking question and everybody will have a different answer. I suppose my answer is that Burn it fitness has made me realise that every goal is achievable no matter what’s thrown at you in life, sometimes it just takes a little longer but if you want it enough you can do it – oh and also fitness can be FUN!!
How monotonous is the gym? The goal may be weight loss, improved fitness or even just finishing the ten week revolution alive but it can all be done! My story is like many others, I got to a certain age, the kids were a bit older and thought I had better do something about my fitness levels. I had recently managed to change my diet and lost a fair bit of weight but exercise had always been a huge effort for me. Last year I dabbled in a few boot camp type things but none of them were that great so at New Year my pal Teresa and I decided to do a wee bit of research and find a better one. Thank god we stumbled upon Burn It!
We were very nervous thinking it was going to be too hard for us and it took a lot of guts from us to turn up on the first night, we were convinced everyone there was going to be mega athletic and we were going to be like Teletubbys but that wasn’t the case, there are various levels of fitness within the groups but the instructors keep everybody going at their own pace without the fitter people having to hang back. That made us feel so much better, you’ve no idea how close we were to not turning up that night. After the first session we knew we wanted to sign up for the Revolution – and more! We enjoyed it so much. Before we knew it we were doing 3 sessions a week and really enjoying every one of them, even in the snow!
Just as I was getting into the swing of it all I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and my goals had to adjust slightly for a while, the first thought had to be not to give up. I spoke to Paul and we worked out what exercises needed changed for me and what stretched I had to adjust but then it was all back to the grind. The instructors are fab and always there, whether it be on Facebook or by email and they are happy to talk after each session if you have any query’s. I can honestly say that never in my wildest dreams did I think that as a 46 year old mother of 4 I would be having snowball fights in Kirkton park or falling flat on my face in the mud at Beecraigs or planking at the bottom of Livingston stadium stairs and be loving every second of it! I know its an old cliché but honestly, if I can do it – anybody can. Jill Sinclair