How to make Burn It work for you!
Often people stop boot camps because they don’t feel they are getting any fitter or that they have been training and they are not skinny yet! Check out our four simple principles to follow to make sure you are getting the most out of your Burn It sessions and moving closer towards your chosen target whatever that may be.
How to make Burn It work for you!
Often people stop boot camps because they don’t feel they are getting any fitter or that they have been training and they are not skinny yet! Here’s our four simple principles to follow to make sure you are getting the most out of your Burn It sessions and moving closer towards your chosen target whatever that may be.
1. You can’t out exercise a bad diet
Yes we are all about sustainable change but you need to be honest with yourself, it is much easier to over eat than you think, especially if you are taking in a lot of empty calories. Start keeping a food diary. You don’t have to share it with anyone but sometimes the act of writing it down helps us identify where our weaknesses are. Are you eating all your food at one time then eating nothing for large chunks of the day? Are you eating more than your prepared to admit? Or are you under eating? Remember you need to eat for your body to grow stronger; if you don’t have enough fuel your body will not be able to change its shape!
2. Intensity, Intensity, Intensity
Yes Boot camp is a social event and it’s good to catch up with your ‘boot camp buddies’ once or twice a week, but your body doesn’t change if it’s not being challenged. After a period of time doing the same exercise your body gets into a comfort zone, and although you finish the session with a bit of a workout you never really pushed yourself. Fitness should be fun but the original concept behind training is that you work hard for a set period of time so that your body will start to adapt, if you are happy with the level you have then please feel free to take your foot off the gas, but if you are still on your journey then you need to bring 110% to every session.
Our training system is based on HIIT (High intensity Interval Training) this system doesn’t work if you drop out the ‘High Intensity’ part. We are not suggesting that boot camp should be an elitist session, far from it. Our strap line is ‘pushing you to your limit but no further’ we want you to train as hard as you can, if that’s different from everyone else’s limit then who cares! You’re an individual, you need to get what you can out these workouts
3. How will you know when you get to where you want to be
Your perception of yourself is deceiving. As you start to improve you will start wanting more, so without realising it, even though you have improved you won’t notice it because your still not happy with where you are. Once your finished reading this blog, open up Microsoft word and type up an answer to these three things 1, why are you exercising 2, what do you want to achieve 3, how will you know when you get there. Don’t set a timescale on it just set a target, read point 4 below for some target suggestions.
4. Measure
You need to have some proof that you are moving in the right direction. Not even your sub conscious mind can argue with cold hard facts. Measure your arm, waist, hip and thigh then do it again every 6 weeks and chart your body changing shape. Give yourself a target size. Or better yet a pair of trousers or a skirt that you want to fit into. If fitness is your goal then do a timed stair climb; set the timer on your phone to beep in 2 min and see how many steps you can climb in that period of time. Then repeat the exercise in 6 weeks time and see how much further you can travel.
If you do all 4 of these things for the next 6 weeks and don’t notice an improvement then email and ill arrange a free PT session for you, we will ask your local trainer to verify your intensity first!