About Us

About Burn It Fitness

Burn It Fitness is Scotland’s longest-serving outdoor fitness provider. We have helped thousands of individuals achieve their health and fitness goals since 2010. 

West Lothian based we are made up of fitness and health professionals, we believe we have the most qualified and enthusiastic fitness team in the world and offer something unique when it comes to exercise. We pride ourselves on exceptional customer service, extensive fitness knowledge and unbeatable variety in each of our fitness experiences. 

We’re real people too, we’re not the type of fitness provider that rams our way of the world down your throat, we adapt, we appreciate and we understand that life can often get in the way, we’re realists and focus on all things sustainable change.

We are a community-led fitness family, we will support you, encourage you and motivate you, our members are the most inspiring, non-judgemental individuals we’ve ever met and our classes and fitness experiences offer a refreshing sense of community. 

All our fitness experiences are fun, sociable and suitable for all levels.  It doesn’t matter how fit or unfit you may be.  In addition to our 5-star Outdoor Fitness Classes, we offer Running Clubs, Fat Loss Programs, Charity fundraisers, Fitness Retreats, Adventure Days, Personal Training and Corporate Wellness services. Join us for a social and active experience! 


Meet our incredible professionals


We are a team of real people. We are passionate about fitness, customer service and real life. We practice what we preach and don’t blur the lines with any stupid exercises or daft diets.


As normal people, we get it!  We are Mum’s, Dad’s, students and professionals ourselves.  We know life can get in the way, we will motivate you and encourage you all the way. 


We are huge advocates for physical and mental health. We love the great outdoors and want you to, too!  Our sessions ensure the best outdoor escapism with like-minded individuals. 


We know exercise can be boring. At Burn It, we ensure all our classes are challenging and engaging, but also fun! Our unique blend of banter and burpees works a treat! 


Getting outdoors has many benefits, here are some of our favourites.

Natural Vitamin D:

Exposure to natural sunlight and the great outdoors allows the body to produce vitamin D, essential for bone health, immune function, and mood regulation.  Many of us in this day and age spend too much time inside, escaping to a Burn It session and soaking up some sunshine, rain or hail and generally fresh air is compulsory for your health. 

Scenic Views and Varied Terrain:

Our outdoor sessions and general outdoor environments provide scenic views and varied terrain, making workouts more visually interesting and engaging. Nothing more depressing than walking on a treadmill for longer than 3 minutes.  The constant change in scenery and usage of different areas of our local parks can contribute massively to a positive mindset and improved motivation.

Fresh Air and Oxygen Intake:

Exercising outdoors allows for increased oxygen intake and the benefits of fresh air. Breathing in clean, outdoor air can feel invigorating and enhance overall well-being.  No dodgy air con units, coughs, colds, flus or covid at our sessions.  Just the natural fresh air! 

Enhanced Mental Well-being:

Outdoor activities are associated with improved mental health. The combination of physical activity and exposure to nature has been linked to reduced stress, anxiety, and depression. Something we all need!

Increased Motivation:

The ever-changing outdoor environment can provide a natural source of motivation. Whether it’s the challenge of a new trail or the desire to explore, outdoor settings, especially our public parks in Scotland, can inspire you that little bit more to push you to your limits and get better results for longer.


It’s not all barbells and spin bikes, and for good reason, it doesn’t need to be, many of our sessions require little to no equipment, making outdoor training a better investment.  We’ve also kept our prices the same for 14 years, we’re not in it for the money, we’re in it to help people. 

Social Interaction:

It’s in the name, our sessions are sociable like no other. We have an unbelievable community of normal people who support each other at every level. Our sessions and the great outdoors provide opportunities for social interaction. Exercising with others can enhance motivation and create a sense of community.

Versatility of Workouts:

Outdoor environments offer versatility for workouts. From bodyweight exercises to using natural elements like hills or stairs, our sessions are unique and different every week meaning you don’t fall victim to the monotony of exercise.

Freedom and Flexibility:

Training outdoors provides a sense of freedom and flexibility. Whether it’s choosing our classic Burn It in the Park session or letting your frustrations go at a Burn It Boxing class, our members have the flexibility to attend various sessions and enjoy the outdoor element every time.

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