
As Scotland’s largest outdoor fitness operator we get asked on a weekly basis if we would like to sell or promote some type of shake based diet solution, the answer is always respectful; but it is also always NO, and here is why…

At Burn It we have stayed clear of slating herbalife, there are so many other fitness professionals doing that so we don’t have to, we needn’t talk about the nutritional content, or lack thereof, if truth be told, Herbalife are not the great demons in this industry, they are just the biggest, next to other such rivals as Juice works and Vi-Salus.

As Scotland’s largest outdoor fitness operator we get asked on a weekly basis if we would like to sell or promote some type of shake based diet solution, the answer is always respectful; but it is also always NO, and here is why:

When you substitute one of your meals with a shake instead of real food, you are making many misjudgements but for us the biggest is in that you fail to ask yourself 2 questions, can I afford to stay on these shakes for the rest of my life? And, Will there ever be an occasion in my life when these shakes won’t be available to me; holiday, party, busy periods at work?

We talk a lot about sustainable change. This means taking the time to think about your life before making any drastic changes. There are no quick fixes; in this life of instant gratification we have lost our way with weight loss. If you want to know more and you are in one of the areas covered by Burn It camps then get in touch and ask about our revolution package. If not try this one trick for the next 2 weeks:

  • Start your day with a healthy breakfast, every day for 2 weeks.
  • Drink 2 litres of water every day for 2 weeks
  • Eat one extra piece of fruit or veg, every single day for two weeks
  • Walk up and down your stairs, or to the end of the street and back every day for 2 weeks

Don’t change anything else about your diet.

In two weeks time, take note about how much more energy you have, how clearer your head is, how you feel a little more positive. This feeling is the start of you feeling healthy. Trust us, nothing tastes as good as healthy feels.

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